Place born
Organisation / Person
1649-1713, anatomist, Dutch

Bidloo, Govert

1649 - 1713

1647-1712?, physicist; natural philosopher, French

Papin, Denis


1646-1716, mathematician; philospher, German

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

1646 - 1716

1648/9-1724, clock and watchmaker; barometer maker, English; British

Quare, Daniel

1648 - 1724

1688-1763, mathematical instrument maker; science lecturer, British; English

Hauksbee, Francis

1604 - 1763

1647-1730, politician; statesman, English

Finch, Daniel

1647 - 1730

d. 1682, physician; Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Paris; French

Morand, Antoine-Jean

1640 - 1682

1644-1727, bookseller; benefactor, hospital founder, English

Guy, Thomas

1644 - 1727

Flamsteed, John

1646 - 1719

1642-1717, physician; alchemist; statesman, German

Waitz, Jakob

1642 - 1717

1647-1706, philosopher, French

Bayle, Pierre

1647 - 1706

1866-1883, railway company, United Kingdom

Llynvi & Ogmore Railway

628 - 1883

1641-1682, Jesuit missionary; ascetical writer, French

Saint Claude de la Colombiere

1641 - 1682

1644-1703, engineer; engraver, British

Winstanley, Henry

1644 - 1703

1640-1705, Holy Roman Emperor from 1658-1705

Leopold I

1640 - 1705

1646-1719, astronomer, English; British

Flamsteed, John

1646 - 1719

1642-1695, clock and watchmaker, London, English

Jones, Henry

1642 - 1695

1642-1727, natural philosopher; mathematician, English

Newton, Sir Isaac

1642 - 1727

1646-1723, history and portrait painter; German

Kneller, Sir Godfrey

1646 - 1723

1641-1707, natural philosopher; monk of the Premonstratensian order, German

Zahn, Johann

1641 - 1707

Hedges, Nick


founded 1640 [ongoing 2006], academic institution, French

Academie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse